Bengals, keeping it interesting…

Based upon who the Bengals have beaten thus far, I really didn’t think they had a chance today. There’s still 4 minutes to go and they are down by 11. Indy just flat out wasted a possession and they are giving us the ball back with 3:49 to go. *That* I don’t understand.

Indy is good, that good. Are the Bengals that good? not yet, but they did impress me a bit today. I had pegged them losing today 31-17. The fact that they put up 34 points at this point impresses me because they’ve been getting it handed to them all day and they didn’t fold. That is HUGE.

Yes, I’m going to say it. The Bengals are for real, they are a top 8 team in a league of 32 teams. Top can 8 get you to the playoffs, and luck might carry you to the SuperBowl but you’ll probably be blown out when you get there. You need to be a 4 team to be a dominating force, to truly be respected on both sides of the ball.

Palmer was just sacked and they just gave up another 5 yards on top of that with a false start penalty. Top 6 teams don’t do that.

Yeah, I’m hard on the Bengals. They’ve sucked for so long. They got us all hyped up for the Pittsburgh game and got their butts kicked. This game wasn’t all that different. It was a game at halftime sort of but they were behind and hadn’t shown any ability to stop Indy all day. The feeling in the gut at halftime wasn’t good.

Their only saving grace was that Baltimore beat Pittsburgh today. But we play Baltimore next week and they aren’t as bad as they have been.

We ran all over Indy, what do you think Pittsburgh will do? Pittsburgh has a better chance to knock off the undefeated I believe, if they have Ben back.

The Bengals gave them a game though, at least offensively. Again, Bengal mistakes led to their loss. They stopped stopped themselves, more than the Colts stopped them, and that’s not a good thing.

All and all though I’m pleased with the way the Bengals played. It’s still a loss, but it’s a respectable loss given the opponent and our lack of any away to stop them what-so-ever.

LG Lemon Dishwasher Part 3

If you’re not up to speed here check parts one and two.

OK, we have returned the “Lemon” to Home Depot, siting their 90-Day satisfaction guarantee as the reason. No questions asked, the took it back.

Of course it still looked new and we gave them all the instructions and everything from the second (new) dishwasher. You can’t save the box, as soon as you open it all the stuff to keep it from getting crushed just falls to the side. No way I was going to try and put that back together.

I installed the second unit, ran it empty and it was as quiet as the first one.

Here we are about two weeks later give or take. We’ve had a couple of noises, that didn’t sound normal to us, and a couple of things come out with baked on food again. Just a couple items mind you, not the whole load.

We’re keeping an eye on it. If it gets worse this sucker is going back and we’re swearing off LG. Next up will be the:

White Kenmore Elite TurboZone™ Dishwasher
Sears item #02217052000 Mfr. model #17052


This day started out well. My cousin and her husband were supposed to come down. Dave is supposed to take a look at a few things we need done around the house that I don’t have time to do, nor am I that interested in doing.

I also need to ride down to Dry Ridge to meet Cooter for lunch and pickup this:

a Shoei Syncrotec helmet, a nice top of the line Shoei flip up. An early Christmas gift kinda. He bought it and didn’t like the way it fits with his glasses.

My intentions are simple. Ride down, have lunch get back before Dave and Sally leave. Claudine is prepared to discuss what she wants done.

Today is the first Saturday in a LONG time that we haven’t had anything serious going on and Cooter and I couldn’t connect last weekend so today is the day I have to meet him.

Continue reading “Saturday…”

I don’t care who you are that’s funny right there!

OK, so we’re Larry the Cable Guy fans, right? Who isn’t.

Everyone has to admit he’s one of the hottest comedians these days. He’s a riot, Blue collar comedy tour and all of that.

We heard he was going to be near us at Belterra Casino, and thought, hey, let’s go check him out and have us a good ol time!

Well I don’t think so. You know what Larry’s charging to grace us with his presence?

$75 a seat.
Yeah you read that right Seventy Five Dollars
$25 short of a Ben Franklin
Now that’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are, that’s funny!

That’s a bucket of beer short of a hundred dollars, a Ben Franklin, and with the price of gas what it is, you’ll end up spending well over two bills to drive from Cincinnati to Belterra to see Larry. Over 2 bills for a date to laugh at regurgitated CD material that you could have had for less than $20 bucks.

Now I’m not denying the man the right to earn a living, but for crying out loud this is comedy after all, and he’s just a good ol red neck like the rest of us right?

But $75 is Rolling Stones or Elton John kinda pricing and Larry just isn’t up to that. I wouldn’t pay that for Seinfeld either. Especially in an 1800 seat theater. Cmon… Smaller comedy clubs are where it’s at anyway. Maybe $75 in a small cozy club, that could be good. But no, sorry Larry, uhuh, Mamma didn’t raise her no dumby. The Blue Man Group don’t charge that much.

So maybe when he comes to Cincinnati, to the US Bank Arena, which holds a lot more people. Then perhaps he’ll adjust his pricing and I’ll get to see him for around $35 to $40 which makes a little more sense.

Larry, you’re letting us down man. It’s one thing to make jokes about us but to try and rob us blind while you make jokes about us is just plain wrong. We love you man and you are one of us, that’s why we all laugh as hard as we do. The truth hurts you know.

That aint Git-N-R-Done with your fans.