Maria is happy.

When I got back from the trip I was unpacking my bike, and was finishing off a left over Gatorade from the ride. Maria picked it up and asked if she could drink the rest. I said no.

Maria is 5

The following conversation happened:
Maria: Why not? Does it have sugar?
Dad: Yes, and I’d still like to finish my drink.
Maria: You shouldn’t drink that, sugar is bad for your body.
at which point she picks it up and heads towards the trash cans
Dad: Maria, bring that back, let’s go in.
Maria: OK, I’m very happy about something.
Dad: What’s that? Are you happy I’m home?
Maria: No. women, live longer than men.
Dad: OK, that’s good to know, why does that make you happy?
Maria: Cause you’re gonna die first.

Whew, I’m Tired

This weekend I completed the Lower Lakes Iron Butt Ride with my father (LastInLine), Tony T and Basco. We traveled around the lakes (Erie and Ontario) in an unprecedented figure-8 pattern. Why? Why not? It’s what we do…

If your not familiar with Iron Butt Endurance riding visit here: Iron Butt Association

You can also read about my Lake Michigan 1000 ride last year here.

More Details to follow, I’m tired and this site isn’t setup correctly for me to post photos yet.