E-Check, it’s finally over.

What a waste that was.

For 10 years now we’ve had to take our cars to the e-check place, give up $20 (or more if you failed and got to do it again).

For us, we’ve had at most 4 vehicles at some times, that’s an extra $80 ever two years. All of them in good working order. Better than a good portion of the vehicles around the area where we live. Yet E-Check doesn’t seem to keep them off the road.

Why is that?

Our former 1991 Nissan pickup probably shouldn’t have ever passed, but it did with surprisingly low numbers every time. The guys would just look at the test results with amazement every time. Who was I to argue? On the other hand I’d been forced to fix our van on more than one occasion simply because the tail pipe had rusted out.

Good riddance E-Check. Yet another bureaucratic mess created to solve a problem that didn’t really exist in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t doubt there is a smog problem at times, but I don’t think you can pin it on cars of a certain range, then exclude ‘vintage auto’s’, and exempt trucks over a certain weight, and cars that simply can’t be made to pass.  That’s right, you can fail 3 times, show a good faith effort in getting your car to pass and you’re good to go.  All you had to do was fail 3 times and have receipts for work done.  It was all a tax to begin with.

That doesn’t solve the problem.  You can’t convince me that the big diesel trucks chugging out big plumes of black smoke aren’t the ones contributing to the smog and I’ve yet to see someone pulled over who’s burning transmission fluid and leaving a cloud behind them.  Take care of the true issues and leave us common folk alone.

LG Dishwasher Part 4

Well it’s official…

LG Dishwasher’s especially Model number: LDS5811WW sold at Home Depot

Is just basically a lemon. An all around lemon.

Our first one worked wonderfully for about a week, then just stopped cleaning dishes.  Leaving food particles on glasses and bowls.  It also takes forever to run.  I mean a very long time.  The shortest cycle is like 2.5 hours.  Our prior Kenmore didn’t take this long.  Yes it’s still quiet by most standards but you buy a dishwasher to clean dishes, and it’s simply not doing that.

After LG dropped the ball on ‘repairing’ the first one we replaced it.  ‘We’ as in ‘We’ removed it, dragged it to Home Depot, bought another and installed it ourselves.

Again, it ran fine for about two weeks then the same symptoms returned.  More noise, more dirty dishes.  We are pretty convinced it’s the rack design.  You can really pack the dishes in on this model.  The bowls go in so tight that in my mind there’s no way they can get clean.  If you half load the dishwasher it does much better but who wants to do that?  It takes so dang long to run as it is.  So this thing is out of here.

When you spend top dollar for an appliance you shouldn’t have to put up with stuff like this.

Shop around, I think at this time the Kenmore Elite with Turbo-Zone is a better buy and a better dishwasher.  We’ll let you know when we get a month or so down the road.

Thank you Home Depot for you patience and for having a 90-day satisfaction guarantee.  You need to drop LG like a hot potato though.  Because this is simply no good.

You Wish!

You had a mother-in-law like mine!

She hooked me up with a Shiatsu Massaging Chair thingy for Christmas this year:


Boo-yeah! It works quite well I might add, has settings from roll to torture. Most excellent. Should require fewer visits to the Chiropractor now. 🙂 I like. It’s currently strapped to my office chair here in my home office. Anytime I fee the need to pop a vertebra back in line I just pickup the remote, sit back and relax.

I highly recommends this thing! We looked at the full chair last year but just couldn’t think of a single place in the house to put it.

Now if I could only get C to take some full-on massage courses I’d be set. 😉

“Tookie” and all the hype.

The problem with the death penalty is simply this. We don’t use it often enough or quick enough.

In Tookie’s case the man sat on death row for 24 years. In my opinion that’s about 23 years too long.

Let’s look at a couple facts:

Stanley Tookie Williams was co-founder of the Cryps gang.

Williams was condemned in 1981 for gunning down convenience store clerk Albert Owens, 26, at a 7-Eleven in Whittier and killing Yen-I Yang, 76, Tsai-Shai Chen Yang, 63, and the couple’s daughter Yu-Chin Yang Lin, 43, at the Los Angeles motel they owned. Williams claimed he was innocent.

Witnesses at the trial said he boasted about the killings, stating “You should have heard the way he sounded when I shot him.” Williams then made a growling noise and laughed for five to six minutes.

Williams was convicted and sentenced to death.

Here’s what we need to do. When someone is convicted and sentenced to death, we need to start a clock. Wipe the slate clean; get new investigators, new judges, and new lawyers. All the way around, and on both sides, immediately process a do-over.

Run through one appeal if there’s any doubt. In this case I don’t see that there was much from what I’ve read.

Then we move on to the next phase and simply zap them. Injection takes too long and it’s far too peaceful. I don’t think we need it to be brutal, but it needs to be swift. Beheadings send a message.

Now in Tookie’s 24 years in the can, he’s had the opportunity to rehabilitate himself. At least as much as a death row inmate can be rehabilitated. He’s apologized for stating the cryps. He’s written children’s books. He’s been nominated for Nobel Peace Prize more than once for his work on anti-gang violence. He’s done some good things. That’s special.

None of that unwinds what he did 24 years ago. He took 3 lives in cold blood or at least 3 lives that we know of. He started the gang thing and lived by the rules he established, a life for a life. All of what he did in the end may have saved more lives and that’s wonderful. It doesn’t however unwind what he did in 1981.

Today was that day. By all accounts he took it like a man. A man he apparently grew to become in the 24 years he spent behind bars.

God Speed to him.

However, it shouldn’t have taken 24 years. Nope. We carried him for 24 years. The tax payers of California carried him for 24 years. The families of his victims waited for 24 years for justice. Does his death give them anything? Does it make them whole? Probably not. Their loved ones are still dead because of him and only because of him.

His actions of the last 24 years don’t make up for the crimes he committed against them and humanity.

God will forgive him if he asked for forgiveness, perhaps the families have forgiven him as well.

A swift death penalty is a deterrent, one that takes 24 years and gives one an opportunity to write children’s books and win a Nobel Peace Prize from behind prison walls is not.

For more info on Stanley Tookie Williams just Google for it.

Tookie in the Wikipedia

Home improvement


Today we start the quest. The quest for getting bids. We have a fair amount of home improvement that needs to be done to our home.

Well that’s not exactly true. We’ve talked to my cousin’s husband, he does work on the side, but he can only do the work on weekends and lives about 2 and a half hours away. It’s not exactly convenient for him.

We have an older farm home originally built in the 1850’s. It’s been well taken care of and for the most part has been updated. We’ve lived here almost 7 years now. But it’s time to take care of some things. The list is rather long.

1) We need a roof (bad) it is leaking.
2) We need to finish the half finished attic to turn it into a bedroom for one of the kids.
3) We need new windows through out 26 of them (ouch).
4) New front and rear doors.
5) The electric service needs updating. Just the service mind you not all the wiring. I can run circuits as needed.
6) We’d eventually like hardwood floors and will probably do this one ourselves.

There are other maintenance things that need done to the barn too. It also needs some new doors but those can wait.

It’s not that I’m not handy, I just _hate_ doing this stuff.

Let the estimates begin.

First up, is a local guy. He should be here in oh, 15 minutes (if he shows). We’ve already blown off one window and door company because the demanded that both of us (my wife and I) be home for the estimate and that we’re in a position to make a decision that night. What the hell?

We’d like an estimate thank you.

We have a general contractor scheduled for Friday afternoon as well, and another roofer/window company for next week.

My wallet hurts just thinking about this.

More later.