Another Bengals Season Is Over.

I’m not a big “What if” kinda of person, and I don’t like to second guess.  The Bengals got it handed to them today by Pittsburgh.  Sure Carson got hurt on the second play of the game and that didn’t help.  The ‘D’ surprisingly stopped the run better than anyone expected at least for the first half.

Kitna actually played better than anyone thought he could.  He gave us hope.  But the D couldn’t keep it close enough for him to win.  It wasn’t meant to be.

The Bengals made it to the playoffs and I suppose that should be good enough.  Would the results have been different had Carson been able to play the entire game?  I don’t know.  Closer probably, but I don’t know.  It’s not really worth debating really. It is what it is.  We now have a winning team and next year to look forward to.

At least we weren’t shut out like NY 😉 and scored more points than the Jags.

That’s all very positive.  We just need a few key players on D and perhaps a better backup.

Construction Update

We have a new roof.

Our roofing contractor who is also doing gutters and fixing the eve’s has completed phase one.  The roof on the upper part of the house.  This included installing two new fancy sky-lights.  One that opens (cranks open, and has a screen), yet we can pop it open and continue to use it for roof access.  This should be much better than the home made sky light that’s been in the roof for who knows how long.

I should have taken before and after photos but I didn’t.

We were a little frustrated at first, we were clear that we wanted ‘English speaking folk’ working on the house.  We’re not prejudice, we don’t care about their nationality, or what color they are.  They can be pink, purple or blue.  Heck they could be midgets for all I care.  But what’s important is that they are able to communicate with us when they are here working on our home.

The crew that showed up didn’t look very American, but we’re assured they are employees and do in fact speak English, they just don’t like you to know they speak English.  Go figure. We recommended this flat roofing company in London.

The job is done, I haven’t climbed up there yet to inspect.  They still have to come back and do the eve’s and gutter work and we’re still on schedule for new doors and windows in the attic.

Molly’s First Meet

Molly has her first Gymnastics Meet this weekend in Columbus Ohio!

We’re getting excited, as is she!


She still gets to compete as an 8 year old this weekend which will be a bonus, after this weekend though, she gets booted up into the 9 year old bracket. We wish her well! Mom and Dad are proud of her.

2005/2006 a year in Review


I should probably do a year in review commentary.  Seems like only yesterday it was 1985 and we were thinking 2000 was never going get here.

Now 2005 has come and gone.   Wow, I’m getting old.

2005 was pretty good to us I think all in all.

I need to noodle on that for a while.

2005 New Years Eve

A good time was had at my cousin Angie’s house with her housband Kris.

Thanks for having us!

I know the girls enjoyed playing with Bruce, and hanging out with Suzie.  It was fun playing cards with Lisa and Hughffff too.

It was fun taking your money too, er at least part of it.  We broke even for the the night.

Adam was the big winner, and I’d guess so seein how he was drinking water the whole time.

Sheesh, I kept waiting for the wrestling match to break out.  Wanted to see Hugh put the boy where he belonged, show him how math really works out in the country.  Don’t be dissin a guy that big for that long. 🙂

Great fun.

Thanks again for having us.