WordPress Updates

This site is somewhat broken while we upgrade to WP 2.3.1

Our Theme is broken as are a number of plugins.

We’re working on that.

It looks like we finally have things back to where they were.

Including imported tags, updated Tarski and a few other changes.

It’s all good.

Also enabled wp-cache to try and speed things up… We’ll see how that goes.

Tarski, WordPress and busted comments.

Yes we are aware that the comments portion of this site is messed up.

We’re working on it 🙁
As a result we have temporarily reverted to the classic theme which seems to work.
We’re still working on unbreaking this, but most of the site works. :/

It seems to be a combination of WP/Theme/Plugins, blah, blah, blah.

**We seem to be back to normal, although I cannot tell you why.  I cannot get the same combination that is now working on this site to work on the development site on my home computer.  It wasn’t busted, but now it is.