Haze is MIA

Haze our trusty barn cat is MIA 🙁

He hasn’t been seen since last weekend. He’s our out door hanging around cat that’s very social.

He doesn’t have a collar and usually doesn’t wander too far, but… He and Jake don’t like each other much so he may have moved on.


Haze is back :), what happened was this…  His safety net, the table on the back porch which was out of the reach of the dogs, and where his food was normally kept, was dismantled and taken down.  That left him feeling like we were feeding him to the dogs or something.   We replaced that table with another and he’s happily napping in his box on the table again.

Getting someone’s attention

The stock horns on the JFR are a joke. FJRandy on the FJRForum makes a ready made wiring harness for the 138db Magnum Blasters.


I’ve ordered up a set and will install them when the arrive. (although I didn’t opt for chrome, they’ll be black as all horns should be)

I need to redo all my electrical farkles. I have far too many things attached to the battery now:

– Battery Tender lead
– Lead for the gerbings heated gear (of which I need to add another for my passenger)
– Power for the Starcom1

The battery tender does dual duty, I power the GPS from that when it’s not tending to the battery.

I picked up a 6 outlet BlueSeas fuse box to redo all of this but don’t know if I’ll have time before the next ride.

bls5025 1223 thumb

More details later when I get to hook all this stuff up.