Draining the pool

After two weeks of having “Perfect Chemicals” and putting in clarifier, and running the filter to no avail, and still not being able to see the bottom.  We’re giving in.

The draining process has begun.   By this time tomorrow we shall see what lives beneath the murky depths (if anything).

We had to do this a couple years ago too.  Rather than chase the water for months to get the chemicals right we just dumped half of it and started over.

(It’s just easier if you ask me.).

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1st annual Ridem don’t Hidem

Wow it’s taken until June 10th before I finally got out for a decent ride.

Dad and I took of early to head to Winchester for a Vintage motorcycle “Ride-em Don’t Hide-em” get together.

The weather pretty much blew. When I got up at 6:30am it was pouring down rain here in Trenton. The weather radar didn’t look any better either but we could see that it wasn’t raining where we were going (about a hundred miles south) so we geared up and headed south.

It rained on us pretty much all the way there but when we got to Paris, KY it stopped and we had a good time in Winchester. Had Lunch with Gar, saw some neat old bikes, rode some good twisty roads, got lost, and headed back towards Cynthiana on the route that we had chosen.

About 2pm I noticed Dad’s lights weren’t working properly. He had brake lights but no turn signals or running lights. He also had no head light. We stopped to check that out. It was worse I guess than expected. Even his electric windshield wasn’t working.

It was intermittent when I was riding behind him. So we decided to call it a day and head home.

Again we hit rain about 70 miles from home.

It was still a good day. ~320 miles give or take. Hopefully Dad’s electrical issues are simple. He just had new shocks put on front and back and something’s just loose.

Zed ran pretty well but it’s still too lean at idle.


Well, it’s done, sort of…

Let the real fun begin.

Cisco is home as of today.

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Sorry for the poor picture quality, we weren’t thinking ahead, this came off my phone.

But he’s home, and he’s happy and so is Claudine. There’s still lots of work to do including finding a pasture pal or stable mate for Cisco.

But we’ve accomplished what we set out to do this spring.

Barn Update June 7th

Oh yeah, Stalls and Lofts, Oh my.

It’s really happening, really it is.

Photos on this page of the Gallery here.Charlie and Co. started Monday, set the posts, returned yesterday and got a LOT done. The stalls are all but done and the bulk of the loft. Today they need to put the walk way between them in, finish the stall doors and we’re set.

Claudine picked up the stall mats so we have some sand leveling to do.

Then some electrical work for outlets and lighting (still waiting on the final though).

Right now we’re leaving the stalls half height until we get a 2nd horse, then we’ll put up wire mesh in the upper half between them to keep them separated. But they will be able to stick their heads over so the stalls will feel larger to them.

Right now the plan is to bring the horse home Friday.

There is clean up to be done and one more gate for the mud lot to buy. Then all the interior fun stuff begins. Giddy-up.

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Maria Pulls another one

Maria yanks a tooth in record time.

It was splitting her gum but it had to go. We encouraged her to get it out, and since it was bed time and she’d rather do that then go to bed, she worked on it for about 15 minutes.

Dad even gave it a tug or two. It was still in there pretty good, but she worked it.


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