Wow, Cast Handstand part II

Saturday I took Molly to gymnastics to watch her do it…

During bar warm-ups when they cast about 400 times I didn’t see her get more than 3/4’s of the way. But then again that’s like doing a 100 pushups, I’m not a coach, so what do I know.

I didn’t see anyone else in her rotation do it either. Then Ms. Cindy lined them up and they all jumped on a high bar one at a time to give it their best shot. At first I wasn’t sure what they were doing because the first couple girls only casted to horizontal. But they looked great, nice and tight form, etc, etc.

But Mrs. Cindy didn’t seem happy, I figured they were supposed to be casting to a handstand.

Then Molly climbed to the high bar, after watching her during warm ups, I thought, no way, she has to be tired, then *wham* from nothing to handstand just like that.

Then as she started to fall over the back side, instead of just letting go of the bar and falling into the pit, she pirouetted around and grabbed the bar and swung down. I thought Ms. Cindy’s eyes were gonna pop out of her head 🙂

I was so proud, it was sweet.

Cast to Handstand

Wow! Naruto Shippuden filler list is the best.

Molly did it. She got that skill tonight she’s been working very hard and I knew she was close. Of course I wasn’t there to see it but that’s usually the way it goes.

I told her she’d get it on Friday (today) and she did. Hopefully I’ll get to see her do it tomorrow.

If you don’t know what that is, it’s when the gymnast is on the bars (usually the high one I suppose) and casts up into a hand stand and doesn’t ‘swing’ up into it. They just kind of do it. I’d show you but I don’t want to show off in front of my daughter 🙂


(I’m looking for a good animation for this but can’t find one, this is just the cast part sands the handstand, so imagine the handstand after the cast and you’ve got it)

Single Dad-dom the complete weekend.

Well, the weekend was successful.

No kiddies died, though we did sustain one minor injury which I had absolutely nothing to do with.

Friday –Monday we all escaped injury. Michael and Maria got over their colds and for the most part Maggie and I avoided it. We got it a little but not nearly as bad as they did.

Thank you mom for helping out during the work hours and shuffling the kids to their day time destinations, I couldn’t have done it without you.

After hours we did the chores that needed to be done. Played with the kittens, hung out, did soccer practice and gymnastics, and on Sunday caught “Cars??? at the cheap theatre.

I discovered Maria is a bona-fide PS2 junkie. She needs help. We’re going to get her admitted into PS2A meetings ASAP.

Maggie is a very good cook for only 11 years old. She took care of us when we didn’t eat out. Pancakes rule!

It was all good until Maria’s Tuesday’s soccer practice. About 5 minutes into it Michael and Maggie went off to kick a soccer ball. Maggie came back to sit down next to me holding her arm in tears. From the looks of things it appeared she had either broken her arm or wrist. It wasn’t good, and it was swelling pretty quickly. I went and got ice from the concession stand and surveyed my options.

If it was broken it wasn’t broken badly, but she was in pain. Maria’s practice still had 45 minutes to do. Perhaps she just hyper extended her wrist; I’m not a Dr. though I have broken an arm and a few bones and Michael has put us through plenty of these experiences. So I’ve seen my share.

I thought I’d hold out for a bit and she how she reacted. It didn’t take long and she decided it was bad enough to go to the hospital.

I rounded up the stuff, and headed to Children’s Hospital and called my parents to have them meet me to watch Michael and Maria so I could stay with Maggie.

All told it went pretty smooth. From approximately a 6pm check in to a 10pm check out we were done. X-Rays negative for a break, though there is a possibility that she has a growth plate break in her wrist, it appears to be a bad sprain from a hyper extension.

She’s in a splint for 3 days to see how she does.