Things you win at golf outings

Today I played in the Countryside YMCA Golf outing as I have done the last couple years.

It’s a great outing for a great cause. The Y is one of the largest if not the largest in the US. The Golf outing benefits their scholarship and learn to swim programs. I know that their two top double-eagle sponsors each donated or were responsible for bringing in over $20k each. But that’s not what I’m hear to write about.

The YMCA is a customer of my fathers company Duplicator Sales Co. so I get to play in his foursome. Every year we play with absolutely no hopes of winning. There are always a couple foursome’s of ringers. But we have a great time. The beer is cold and free.

The Y outing always has a door prize for every participant, and they usually have a few decent raffle prizes too. For a $20 donation you get as many raffle tickets as your arms are long, in my case that was 35.

My door prize was a Tiger Woods wall plaque thing and two free buckets of balls at the Golf Ranch. Something I can use. However my big raffle prize was get this…

A $150 gift certificate for plastic surgery. Or Micro electro-epi-facial-skin peeling or something like that, for me and a friend. Now what the heck am I going to do with that? One year I won a basket of shampoos and hand creams, but I traded that with Bernie for something else. I think golf outings he couldn’t use or something.

Now I’m not against feminine gifts, but there were only 4 women golfers out of 26 foursomes, and it seemed to me there were an awful lot of girly gifts.

I think they need to work on their gift recruitment. We golfers don’t need to bring something home to our wives that bad, and I certainly don’t need to bring her a $150 gift certificate for plastic surgery! That’s a dangerous message there.


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Bens Bargains

If you like gadgets and tech goodies or are in the market for a computer you need to watch Bens Bargains

It’s 90% tech stuff but there are other usefull items too. Last year I had 10 cases of water delivered to my house for less than $40.00 Yes, 10 cases, 24 bottles in a case, 16 oz bottles, delivered for less than $40.00

Watch the rebates though, some sites and stores are just plain bad about sending money back.