The Kitchen… It started out hardwood floors.

A photo update…  What started out as hardwood floors for the first floor, turned into:

  • We need a fridge (see previous post)
  • That means we need a cabinet to go where the old fridge went.
  • Which means we need new counter tops.
  • Which means we’re only putting hardwood floors in 1/2 of the first floor.

It has begun.


and the new fridge…

(entire Gallery)


Work has begun, today they removed a good portion of the floor, put the new cabinet in place (shuffling some around to make Claudine happy) and installed the new counter top.

They expect to finish the floors tomorrow (Wednesday at the latest).  I have to say we’re pleased so far.  This old house is as crooked as it gets, nothing is anywhere near level, square or flat.

More later…